Sunday, 16 May 2010


Education is a very crucial issue for people all over the life. Education is so important that from the primary school to the college, courses must be given the necessary importance. I’m a university student now and I had lots of courses that I didn’t want and had difficulty at high school. Even though I’m at the department that I aim at, the courses that I didn’t want to study really compelled me at high school. Although many people think that students should study the courses which are at thefixed curriculum, I think that students should study the courses that they want to study.
Opponents who think that students shouldn’t be allowed study the courses they want argue that students should study the fixed curriculum of the school. They say so, because they think that students may be lack of some issues, if they don’t bound to study the courses. To some extent they’re right. However, the unwanted courses can lead to reluctance and after a while they start to have difficulty in the other courses they like also. For example, I remember a friend from my high school , she was very hardworking but in the literature lesson she was always reluctant. After a while, her exam results showed a decrease. I thought that it was because of the unwillingness because of the course she didn’t like. Therefore, students should be allowed study the courses they want to study.
Some people who oppose to the idea maintain that students may be irresponsible for the lessons, if they are allowed study the courses they want to study. For example, if the students suppose that they have already enough information about the courses, they think that it’s not necessary to study the lessons before exams. I must admit that to a certain extent , they’re right. However, if they don’t allow study the courses they want , this can lead to prejudice against the issues about some courses.Even if they may feel an interest in issues about the courses, because of the compulsion for the courses, they have prejudice against the courses. Hence, courses shouldn’t be a compulsory for students.
People who are against the idea still assert that students may have difficulty in some issues at college in the future, if they get free for choosing the courses.They think that this can be hindered by forcing to study the courses that they don’t want. On the contrary, they’re wrong. There are many students who reluctantly study a department at college. Furthermore, students are limited for the departments at college, as they are bound to choosea section at high school.So they can’t decide exactly which department is most suitable to them.In addition, after graduation they may have a job that they aren’t enthusiastic.Therefore, it’s not logical to set a limit for students by obliged them to study the courses that they didn’t want.
Consequently, high schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. It’s more reasonable to make some courses optional instead of forcing to study. Teacher should be more careful about if the children really grab subjects . If high school allow students to study the courses they want to study, the prejudice and the reluctance against study is prevented. The most important point is that after graduation from college more students will be more earnest for their job. For all these reasons, to not put obstacles into students way by forcing to study courses of the fixed curriculum is the most sensible idea.

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