Friday, 23 April 2010

The 9th Week

This week was exhausting again, because we had two hard exams. Firstly, we went on cause and effect essay in our writing lesson. Mrs. Gültekin wanted us to write an cause/effect essay about Marmara Earthquake in 1999 as group work. Dilara Ufuk and I wrote together and our teacher liked it vey much. As to reading lesson we started a new topic about adolescense. Thanks to that topic we learnt new words about adolescense; early blooming, growth spurt… Finally, we had grammar and listening exams. Grammar exam was good but I had difficulty in listening exam. I hope I can get good grades…

Friday, 16 April 2010

The 8th Week

After having a rest for a week, I had difficulty in adjust lessons and unfortunately didn’t go to school for a week. However I learnt the things that I missed for that week and studied for them. Cause and effect essay was examined in detailed way. My friends wrote an essay by group working. In reading lesson, they made some discussion about the languages which struggle to survive in the world and our country.Another topic was affluenza of which meaning is to buy or have more things than necessity. Our teacher gave texts when I was absent and I took them from my friends and studied. Although I didn’t go to school that week, I tried to catch up with my friend and fortunately I did…

Thursday, 1 April 2010

The 7th Week

After the exam week, I was a little reluctant to the lessons but I had to focused on them. Firstly, in writing lesson our new essay type was cause/effect essay. We learnt how to organize that essay type; thesis statement, topic sentence and the body paragraphs… In grammer lesson we had a presentation about Global Warming. Duygu and Ceyhan were my group friends. While we were searching for our topic we not only learnt lots of details about the world and earth’s ecology, but also we had one more experience for presentation.We worked really hard and were appreciated by our teacher.In the reading lesson, our topic was causes and effects of stress which is one of the biggest problems nowadays. In short, I added manymore information to my info stock.